Tuesday, 16 October 2007

HMS Victory is english for 'OMGWTFTHAT'SHUGE!'

Doing a little bit of research today, here's a couple things i found out:

At the time of her launching in 1765, cost £63,176. For comparison, this would be equivalent to the cost of building an aircraft carrier today.

Victory was constructed from approximately 6000 trees, 90% of which was oak.
This equates to 100 acres (40 hectares) of woodland.
Hull thickness at waterline - approximately 2ft (0.6m)

A total of 26 miles (41.9 km) of cordage was used to rig the ship.

Victory could spread a maximum of 37 sails.
In addition the ship carried 23 spare sails.
Total sail area - 6,510 square yards (5,468.4 square metres)

So yeah, a bit big. I copy/pasted this info from the official website, which should come in handy for when we come to modeling and planning out the movie:

1 comment:

Jo Bowman said...

WOW! Really interesting info - I wonder how long it took them to build it all?