Friday, 5 October 2007

Getting Started

Ok, this module is starting to get fun now, last week we did an exercise to learn how to make the topology for modeling a face, from the front view anyway. I completed the last given to us, and made the topology for the face we were using in 3dsmax at home. I also pulled back the vertices teh create the 3d view, though obviously i havn't modeled the entire head, and there are some areas that could do with extra loops due to being stretched out alot around the edges, as seen in the images below.I also atempted to map the face, using the photos that i was basing the topology off of.

After i had done this i felt that it would be a good idea to try doing it again with another head to make sure that i could actually do it more than once without the second or third time not working as well as earlier attempts. Since i don't have the internet at home at the moment i decided to use my younger brother as the subject. The reference plate i created is show below:

Since there were junior officers on the ships back then, as young as 11 or 12 years old, i figure that it should be possible to use the model i create from this in the final animation.


Jo Bowman said...

Looks cool, looking forward to seeing the finished article - some of the shipmates were as young as 8 or 9,usually as they were so small and nimble they were sent up the rigging to unfurl the sails, poor souls ;)

Tiggeruk85 said...

This looks good, I quite like the mapped version of the American guy. Hope to see some up to date models soon, interested to see what your little brother looks like and any added strains or maybe things that are more simple with his face.